It’s in the City Council’s Lap Now

1,895 Have Signed – Who will be Number 2,000?

It’s critical to continue to expand our breadth and depth of support.  Please encourage your friends, neighbors, and fellow West Linn residents to visit and show their support!

It’s Time for West Linn City Council to Act

As you likely know, the West-Linn/Wilsonville School Board agreed in Executive Session late last week to re-offer Oppenlander Field to the City of West Linn at a significant discount to anticipated market value for purchase and use as a community park.  West Linn City Council needs to act on that offer – and we need you to encourage them to do so! 

Please send (another) email to [email protected] asking them …

  • to accept the School District’s offer,
  • indicate your support for the use of the property as an active community park for recreation and athletics,
  • share that you realize we will need to pay for Oppenlander with a new bond,
  • and encourage the City to more closely engage with Friends of Oppenlander so we can help them with their response to WLWVSD, and with Bond measure preparation.     

Friends of Oppenlander

We formed a public benefit non-profit to support the efforts to Save Oppenlander.  We will soon be forming a PAC to help pass the Bond measure. You can reach us at [email protected]

Upcoming City Council Meetings

The City Council has an Executive Session Meeting tonight at 5 pm followed by a Special (non-Oppenlander) Meeting at 6. Their next Regular Meeting is June 14th. 

We don’t formally know if Council will discuss Oppenlander this evening but are scheduled to provide public comment, including an ask to include Friends of Oppenlander more actively in the discussions and process. 

It’s NOT a Done Deal Yet – We Must Keep the Pressure On!

Please continue sharing and asking your friends, and neighbors to sign up at

2 thoughts on “It’s in the City Council’s Lap Now”

  1. I would support this property as a park but would ask that native plants be used and that the public is strongly involved.

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