Oppenlander Trial Starts Today

The West Linn-Wilsonville School District and the City of West Linn head to jury trial today, 8/12. The court, based on the filing estimates a two week trial.

Jury selection is Monday 8/12, and likely a boring day. Opening statements are likely Tuesday with two weeks of proceedings to follow. Each day starts at 10 AM in Courtroom 5, at the Clackamas County Courthouse on Main Street in Oregon City, Judge Susie L Norby presiding.

This issue is a matter of contract law and is in the hands of the court and the jury. I have checked the rules, and we are welcome to sit in the courtroom … no signs, logos, matching t-shirts, grumbling, or unruly behavior, please.

It has been a tumultuous couple of weeks to get to Jury selection. WLWVSD asked that West Linn residents be excluded from the jury due to bias. The court disagreed with the primary assertion, but asserted that WL resident shad too much pride in their city and could not serve. Last Friday, 8/9 the Oregon Supreme Court overturned that ruling and WL residents are again eligible to serve.

If you recall, and as explained in more detail on the SaveOppenlander.org website, Oppenlander Fields, paid for in the 70s primarily by West Linn citizens, has been an active community resource for decades with three active softball fields and a walking path. The School District decreed the land surplus property and signed a sales contract with the City. The School District required the land to remain a park as a term of the signed sales agreement and was to be appraised as such. It was. But now the School District is getting greedy and wants to tear up the contract and sell to developers for up to 60 homes to be built, all of whom will be demanding new park space. Oh, and that extra developer money – it will be primarily going into Wilsonville schools.

I (Dean Suhr) will join you on Tuesday afternoon after returning from some Washington, DC work to show the judge know it’s not just pride, it’s interest and concern that West Linn folks have lots of.

Please continue sharing and asking your friends and neighbors to come alongside the 2529 of your neighbors who have already signed at  SaveOppenlander.org

Oppenlander Fields