Rally at Oppenlander Fields – 3pm Saturday 2/12 

School District REFUSES to negotiate – City of West Linn is NOT holding them accountable to the signed Oppenlander Sales Agreement

A rally to demand both parties come to a quick and reasonable compromise on “our” land – the community is really the current owner, seller, and buyer in this transaction. Please join us to keep Oppenlander an active Park!

West Linn’s City Council agreed to purchase Oppenlander Field from the WL/WV School District … a Sales Agreement was signed last month …

BUT – the School District and the City cannot come to agreement on the price … the School District has rejected the appraisal and refuses to negotiate, and the deadline is Monday the 14th of February.

Friends of Oppenlander, the sponsors of this initiative and web page, prepared a compromise Amendment to the existing Sales Agreement and we (and you) are calling for the City and School District to sign the amendment. The ready to sign amendment gets rid of all of the appraisal squabbling and rejection … and replaces it with a fixed $3.31M sales price.

* $3.31M nets a 3.3 million dollar return on investment for the School District

* this price follows the signed contract’s provision for resolving different appraisals

* it matches the same per acre price the District and City used in a recent park sale transaction

* keeps Oppenlander an active Park for perpetuity

* and is fair to the Community since we are the current owners, seller, and buyer of Oppenlander!

Local TV and print media have responded positively to our invitation to attend.

Even though the City and School District received the amendment on Friday, we are symbolically going to take a copy to City Hall and School District Headquarters.

PLEASE JOIN US AT 3PM … bring your kids, signs, and your voices. Share on social media … Bring a neighbor and/or their kids too!

Please consider joining the caravan to City Hall (nearby) and School District Headquarters (on Stafford Road).

In the absence of a positive School District response we are demanding the City honor the signed sales agreement by following the contractural process to file a bond measure with $120,000 allotted for the purchase of Oppenlander to preserve their purchase rights.Doing nothing voids the Sales Agreement.

We are demanding both parties negotiate in good faith.

Please continue sharing and asking your friends and neighbors to come alongside the 2529 of your neighbors who have already signed at  SaveOppenlander.org

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