
Update From the City Council

We received this statement from John Williams, Deputy City Manager late this afternoon. He indicated the School District had seen and approved the statement. In short, negotiations continue and they are planning to actively engage the public as we head towards a May 2022 bond measure. “The West Linn City Council and West Linn‑Wilsonville School […]

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It’s Decision Time – Please Help With One More Push of City Council

Thursday is City Council’s once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to decide if West Linn will acquire and preserveOppenlander Field for this and future generations use as a community park for recreational/athletic use. Executive Session Thursday night … please help them make the “right” decision – “Put It On The Ballot” Tomorrow night, 6/17, is a key and final

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It’s in the City Council’s Lap Now

1,895 Have Signed – Who will be Number 2,000? It’s critical to continue to expand our breadth and depth of support.  Please encourage your friends, neighbors, and fellow West Linn residents to visit https://FriendsofOppenlander.org and show their support! It’s Time for West Linn City Council to Act As you likely know, the West-Linn/Wilsonville School Board agreed

It’s in the City Council’s Lap Now Read More »