Amicus Friends of the Court Brief

Friends of Oppenlander submitted a formal statement to the court on behalf of the thousands of you wanting Oppenlander to remain as an active park in perpetuity for today’s and future families, children and city residents.

Our Amicus-stye brief is citizen written and was written to give the court – the judge and the jury – some perspective beyond the nitty gritty of the contractural details of the Sales Agreement which is what is at the center of the upcoming trial. We want the court to know that Oppenlander, regardless of who “owns” it, actually belongs to the people since both the School District and the City are local governmental entities. We also want the court to know that Oppenlander has been in use as community athletic fields since the 70’s, and the citizens of West Linn desire it stay as park land – just as the School District required a park restriction be part of the Sales Agreement.

The trial starts on June 27th with jury selection. We are gathering additional details and timing for the trial in the hope some of you will join us in the courtroom to observe. More details will be provided the middle of next week.

Link to June 16 West Linn Tidings update. We cannot paste the entire article here due to copyright restrictions.

Please continue sharing and asking your friends and neighbors to come alongside the 2529 of your neighbors who have already signed at

Oppenlander Fields