Big Progress With the School Board – Rally at Oppenlander tomorrow at 10:30

City Council broke the executive session shield last night, School District is following suit

Your engagement and pressure are making a difference!

Both the City, and now the School Board, are publically sharing what their core issues are … and we’re making good progress toward getting both parties back at the negotiating table to preserve Oppenlander.  

School District expresses desire to come back to the table!

Last night the City Council shared they have continued interest in Oppenlander.  This morning the School Board Chair, Regan Molatore, and I had a long conversation. She indicated she will be guiding the School Board back to the negotiating table with the City.

She also shared that the below market price offer made to the City for acquisition would be viable even if (when) full market price offers come in from developers.  

This is much more representative of School Board’s long history of a broader commitment to the community to do the right thing. They are hoping to make a formal public statement later this afternoon.

But It’s NOT a Done Deal – We Must Keep the Pressure On!

We are a long way from the finish line.  Neither side is actually back at the table yet.  We need to keep the pressure on!  Keep sharing to help us get more signatures on the petitions, keep sending emails, and come to the Rally tomorrow morning!

Save Oppenlander RALLY tomorrow (Saturday) at 10:30 am

Let’s all gather at the Oppenlander gate to show the breadth and passion of the community’s support to Save Oppenlander.  10:30 is right between ballgames so we’ll have folks from the fields, but we also want you to come and show your support. 30 minutes of your time will go a long way in showing our unity.  We’re inviting the local TV stations.

If you have a child who is an athlete, have them wear their jersey/shirt.  

Have your kids make a few signs and bring a few extras!  We’ll be done by 11am.

THREE THINGS TO KEEP DOING … (tasks slightly adjusted)

The City and School Board are reading all of your messages!  They are having an impact.

1) Send an email thanking WLWVSD for considering re-opening discussions with the City and demand they approve this resumption at their June 7th meeting:  [email protected]

2) Send an email of thanks to the City Council for being transparent, and share that you want the purchase to be for Parks use only. [email protected]

2) Keep asking people to support the petitions at  1,460 have registered so far … let’s get to 2,000! 

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We’ll have more to share in another email later this afternoon.



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