5/27 Open Letter to West Linn Wilsonville School Board and West Linn City Council

Good Afternoon Chairperson Molatore,
cc: WLWV School Board and LRPC, West Linn City Council  

We crossed the 1,000 signatory mark just after 11 this morning – less than 24 hours since SaveOppenlander.org went live at noon yesterday. Oppenlander is clearly of very high interest, importance, and visibility in the community. 

Our request is clear.  The community wants the School District to not consider any offers for 60 days so they can better understand and weigh in on a sale that might lead to repurposing the property.

We are also aware of the West Linn City Council Executive Session meeting this evening and have encouraged families to attend the YouTube viewing. I have asked to provide public comment, perhaps after the Council makes some expected post-Executive Session remarks. 

Best Regards,
p.s. In full disclosure we have a number of signatories that did not check one or both petitions – the WLWV number is 846 and the City count is 938.  Both of which show extraordinary interest. We’ll be following up with those that did not check either petition.

Dean Suhr
21345 Miles Drive

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